Hydrogen Power Park
The APS Hydrogen Station required two years of engineering and construction,
prior to being permitted by the Phoenix Fire Department to refuel motor
vehicles and store compressed gases. The Park designed to provide hydrogen,
compressed natural gas (CNG), and blends of hydrogen-natural gas (CHyNG) for motor
vehicle “fast fill” fueling service.

An Indoor Fuel Station
The Park is an “indoor” facility under the NPFA Code forhydrogen gas and an “outdoor” facility under the Code for CNG. Hence, the Park wasengineered, constructed, and evaluated under the more strenuous hydrogenrequirement. The direct cost to build the Park was $26 million, and with indirect-cost $40million. The Pilot was constructed in a historic building, in the historic district ofdowntown Phoenix, the nation’s 5th largest city. The Park became part of the U.S.Department of Energy’s Hydrogen & Fuel Cell’s Technology Validation Program inMarch 2003 under a competitive solicitation award. During the DOE Project, its functions increased to include electricity production from fuel cells and internal combustion gensets. The Park continues in operation producing hydrogen via water electrolysis and refueling motor vehicles.

Perfect EHS Performance
In the 5 years since its initial operation, more than 14,000 vehicle refueling events have occurred. The Park has had a perfect safety record, with no accidents.